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October 3, 2017 at 8:21 am in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #704
lawrence_jeffParticipantI was thinking about using the magnetic sensor for closed/open state and the ultrasonic one for movement detection, as I dont have a car in my garage, but 2 motorcycles and would have to move the ultrasonic sensor to a different location. But now thinking about this, I will probably just buy the xiaomi sensor and use the ultrasonic one on my door and the magnetic one on roller doors. Thanks
Not 100% sure I understand what you are proposing (not familiar with Xiamoi device) but just to be clear, with Opengarage (or my extended firmware) you can only monitor one door, its an either ultrasonic or magnetic. You seemed to be indicating monitoring two doors so just wanted to make sure you understood.
September 30, 2017 at 9:08 am in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #700
lawrence_jeffParticipantthank you Lawrence
I think to use this sensor
I’m waiting your info
I would expect that switch to work fine. Just to be clear though you don’t really need this with an official opengarage device unless for some reason the built in ultrasonic sensor won’t work for some reason.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
September 28, 2017 at 2:37 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #698
lawrence_jeffParticipantThat should be fine, I will post more info on the connection of the sensor, do you use an official device or DIY?
September 28, 2017 at 2:36 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #697
lawrence_jeffParticipantActually either type of sensor will work, there are two options (one to mount on the bottom of the door and one at the top) since these would be closed at opposite times one of the two will work with a NO or NC sensor (depending on where you mount it)
(With my firmware at least)
lawrence_jeffParticipantThat will not work, the distance sensor is ultrasonic (sound based) so any obstruction to sound will cause invalid readings. If you are DIY’able I have a customized firmware that supports switch or magnetic based sensors instead of the onboard ultrasonic which would make this doable, but I would not expect any official support on that configuration.
September 22, 2017 at 12:47 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #685
lawrence_jeffParticipantI updated the readme’s of my fork to hopefully make this process more clear – reference that instead of this post and let me know if you still have issues
September 22, 2017 at 12:26 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #683
lawrence_jeffParticipantOk – finally had a chance to look at this – I took a clean Win10 laptop and went through all the steps successfully. Here is what I did
*Installed Arduino 1.6.13
*Once installed installed 2.3.0 of the arduino esp8266 core via board manager
*Installed the latest Blynk software via Manage Libraries
*Manually added the pubsubclient my version also requires ( download and then extract the pubsubclient-master folder to your libaries folder (by default in the my documents/Arduino/Libraries) rename this folder after copy to pubsubclient
*Downloaded my fork via the download option in github and then extracted the opengarage folder to the same libraries folder
* Copied the modifications header file from the zip to the folder in C:\users\YourID\Appdata\Local Settings\Arduino\…… (per the instructions)So at this point if you open your libraries folder you should see
PubSubClientThen go into Opengarage\Examples – open the ino file
In arduino select Generic ESP8266 – 4/1 SpiffsCompile
No issues on my system
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
September 20, 2017 at 1:51 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #678
lawrence_jeffParticipantThat doesn’t ring any bells, do you get the same issue with Ray’s?
Does a basic ESP8266 example compile?I can install it all from scratch on a different machine tonight to see if there are any steps missing but as I recall I just followed the instructions and didn’t have any trouble getting it to compile.
September 20, 2017 at 1:21 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #676
lawrence_jeffParticipantYes – you only need to change the one file, the instructions probably changed at some point and not all references were updated. I noticed this when making my changes
lawrence_jeffParticipantWouldn’t setting the value to disabled meet this goal? Even if disabled it will still do a 5 sec beep for automated closes (for safety)
lawrence_jeffParticipantTake a look at the dev branch of my fork – the readme has the changes. Its pretty stable but I was going to finish testing those things for a few days and then pull to my Master. It has a number of other improvements over what I posted (listed as updates in the readme)
Getting the graphics in flash is the one challenge right now, I could get them into header files but couldn’t get the webserver send from progmem function to work. Another option was to allow upload to flash using the example in fsbrowser – it would allow users to customize their icons. I can keep looking at this.Anyway – dev branch is much improved so look at that. If you want to spin up a branch in your repro happy to collaborate by making pull requests and letting you review. Its your baby so would definitely want to let you have the oversight onto what would be a good addition or not (which could be discussed in pull comments). On that note you will notice in my dev branch there is an option dropdown to allow one of the free GPIO to monitor a second garage door – would be interested in your thoughts (fine if offline @ lawrence_jeff@h* of supporting at least API based status request of a second door.. maybe that would allow minimal functionality but still provide a value statement of purchasing 2 devices in that scenario.
Anyway thanks again for your great work with this.
The thread I liked to above has a quote from Espressif where they indicate it picks the AP that has the lowest channel number (given multiple SSIDs) unless you specify a BSSID in your WIFI connect.
lawrence_jeffParticipantIf it would help I can at least add the BSSID (MAC of the AP you are connecting to) in a debug screen – but you would have to use my custom firmware, discussed in another thread here
lawrence_jeffParticipantThere is mention of similar here workaround was to set the channel of the AP you want it to connect to a lower channel number than the others.
You can specify a BSSID to force a specific AP in the OG firmware but it would take quite an update to store and handle that.September 7, 2017 at 8:24 pm in reply to: OG shows same distance measure no matter the distance #648
lawrence_jeffParticipantFYI – 562 is what is returned if the read distance function hits this code
if (lapse>32767L) lapse = 32767L;and then in the conversion function 32767 is multiplied by 0.01716f which gives you 562
So the distance sensor isn’t properly working or connected.
September 7, 2017 at 1:22 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #645
lawrence_jeffParticipantOn your blynk question I will turn this on when I am home to see if I see the same thing, I would try making sure Blynk is set to be excluded from data saver and allowed background network access, it may be Android battery optimization not allowing it to get the notification (when not running in the foreground)
September 7, 2017 at 1:17 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #644
lawrence_jeffParticipantLet me think about the USB programming question – Any idea why OTA doesn’t work for you? Have you tried with my version lately? I changed how reset works in an earlier update which made it more reliable for me, although I still notice if the wifi signal is weak it still fails. Sometimes trying 2 or 3 times in a row will make it go through. I was going to try to add a system log to help debug these odd ball things that are hard to repro outside of the actual garage.
On the sound – yes I agree the sound option should be honored or selectable in some other way, let me see if that can be easily incorporated, I was originally thinking it should only beep when the door is opening/closing (which is loud by itself) but it still could annoy some people.
September 6, 2017 at 3:47 pm in reply to: Check to see door is open before closing with IFTTT and #637
I have added this to my fork if interested
Here is the specific committ haven’t baked it into the MQTT piece yet
lawrence_jeffParticipantNo problem – let me know if you run into anything not working correctly or have any other wish list items (Feel free to add into the github issues on my fork)
I have a few more things in the dev branch – the base seems pretty stable so most of the improvements are making it a bit more automation friendly.
lawrence_jeffParticipantSo OpenGarage is happily connected to Router A (with IP acknowledged by both router and Device)
But any device connected to Router B and Router C can’t reach the IP? But if you turn off B and C forcing everything to talk to Router A (So everyone is on the same device) access works?This sounds like you have an issue routing requests between routers (which you work around by forcing your clients to the same router by either disabling the others or changing the SSID so you can force a specific router), does access to other devices work cross routers?
If you change the router closest to the device to a new SSID, say ‘Garage’ (leave the others on and alone) and connect the OG device to that what happens with the following
Connect your PC to Garage SSID – does connectivity work (Assuming yes)
Connecting your PC to SSID used by other routers – does connectivity work (assuming this won’t)
lawrence_jeffParticipantI’m not the developer but from looking at the code, the first part of your issue (the same SSID listed multiple times) is simply because the code doesn’t filter out duplicates and it picks up your 3 instances, the good news is the only thing it really gets from this is the SSID name and password so you can pick any of them (assuming the ID/pwd is the same) -it won’t hurt anything
The second part is a bit more complicated, the built in software (that OG is built on top of) method to connect to an Access point handles finding the access point with the access point you specify – so perhaps it doesn’t connect to the strongest AP with the SSID you specify – or gets confused if it detects multiples. If you go through the integrated webpage – does the connect button and text tell you it successfully connected and provide an IP?
lawrence_jeffParticipantThis is in my fork of the firmware if interested, details in the firmware section can burn the firmware with any of the ESP8266 tools, esptool is one example esp8266flasher is another
September 5, 2017 at 6:25 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #630
lawrence_jeffParticipantYes -mentioned above the graphics wouldn’t work unless you use the arduino env to upload the Spiffs file that includes them (this is separate from the code bin). I haven’t tested using another tool but it looks like what it does is upload a second bin to address 00300000. I have uploaded it to the bin folder in my repository you can give it a shot if so inclined, the ESPtool or equivalent should take it with the address and create a new filesystem with the graphic files included. IMPORTANT NOTE: this will erase any existing configuration files so the device will be reset to a factory default and you will have to go through the process again to enter your SSID and all application tokens/config settings.
My choice of graphics was a green closed door when shut and red open door when opened. To me this represented the security of the door but I noticed the official mobile app uses the opposite convention in the logs (green indicates opening and red indicates closing).
In terms of home assistant or other automation software, its not out there in the repo yet but I have tweaked the API code to allow you to submit a close or open request where it will only act if applicable (i.e. it won’t open if already open) in the existing code you send a click and have to hope that the current represented state is correct – this may be useful as it simplifies what an external system needs to do. I haven’t added this logic into the MQTT piece but plan to soon.
September 5, 2017 at 3:16 pm in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #628
lawrence_jeffParticipantGotcha- From seeing people ask in the forums and looking at the code, in 1.0.6 the notify on change was moved into the function that handles the notify if leave it open for X minutes, so unless you had one of those options selected (notify or auto-close) the notifications aren’t sent. I made it worse by completely turning these off in the version you originally tested, now the behavior is returned to what 1.0.6 stock does where one of those has to be selected for these to be triggered. So either in Stock 1.0.6 or my 1.0.6 you can get them back as long as you select the notify me when left open (or auto-close). Its on my list to expose this separately as co-mingling two unrelated settings doesn’t seem ideal.
Honestly – the main benefits to mine are the MQTT support, support for a magnetic door sensor (for DIY implementations) and improvements to the web based experience. Unless these are of interest you might not get much beyond the stock 1.0.6, especially if you are primarily using the mobile app.
But if you are the experimental type feel free to give it a shot, I’m happy to fix anything else you catch.September 4, 2017 at 9:31 am in reply to: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc #619
lawrence_jeffParticipantSorry I didn’t get an alert for some reason on your post so just saw it a bit ago.
If I understand you correctly, prior to my firmware if you had the Notify or close option selected in the Close door after being open for X minutes section you would also get a Blynk notification each time the door opened and closed (independent of whether it met the criteria for open after X minutes)? Is this correct?I had changed this code a bit because it seemed two unrelated things somewhat co-mingled and I had intended to add a checkbox that allowed you to specify Blynk open and close notifications that was separate from the notify if the door has been open option. I have added that code back in for backwards compatibility and uploaded a compiled binary with that change. Like the original 1.0.6 it does require that you have one of the two options selected under the Close door after X minutes section (the time doesn’t matter)
Be aware that this change is merged in with a number of others so you get some other new things that may or may not be wanted. I don’t forsee any issues with anything else but you never know. This version adds a status graphic to the home page which is only going to work if you do a full upload via arduino so if you just upload the bin it will display a dead picture link if you hit the main page (doesn’t really hurt anything).
Of course just putting the stock 1.0.4 or 1.0.6 back on should fix it as well.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by