OpenGarage › Forums › Comments, Suggestions, Requests › OG Firmware 1.1.0 Released
- This topic has 24 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
February 2, 2019 at 10:31 pm #1416
RayKeymasterI’ve just pushed out firmware 1.1.0 (user manual and api documents are also updated accordingly). This firmware addresses the following:
- The issue that ‘options’ page becomes blank at some point. I suspect this has to do with the RAM usage as the options page is the largest in size among all pages. This has been addressed by sending program memory strings directly (instead of loading it to RAM and send it). I am not 100% certain if this completely fixes the issue, but it’s my best guess.
- Changed the flash profile to 2M (with 1M SPIFFS), as some early versions of OpenGarage has only 2M flash. As a result, flash layout will change and after updating to firmware 1.1.0, the controller will reset to AP mode. So make sure to copy the settings before you update firmware, and you will have to go through WiFi setup steps again after updating.
- Added a couple of more settings to hopefully improve distance sensor readings. One is ‘Distance Reading Interval’, which defines the time between two distance sensor readings. The default is 500ms and can be suitably increased if excessive sensor noise is observed. I suspect that if the garage is large or ceiling is very all, the ultrasonic waves may have multiple reflections. Increasing the gap between two readings can help reduce the impact of multiple reflections. The second setting is ‘Sensor Timeout Option’: previously if a sensor timeout event is encountered, it caps the reading to the maximum value (450cm). Now this has been changed to ‘Ignore’ — so if a timeout event is encountered, it doesn’t count into valid readings, again, this is done to hopefully reduce the sensor noise in the case of occasional timeout events.
- Added support for several types of temperature/humidity sensors (AM2320, DHT11, DHT22, DS18B20). All of them can be powered by VCC (3.3V) and GND, and the data pin should go to GPIO5 (G05). AM2320 is a I2C sensor, so it should be connected to SDA (G04) and SCL (G05). Also, some of them may need pull-up resistor (particularly DS18B20).
To try out firmware 1.1.0, follow the User Manual and download the compiled firmware from the address below. Again, please make sure to copy or write down settings before the update, as it will change the flash layout hence the controller will reset to factory default settings (including WiFi).
This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
February 4, 2019 at 9:32 am #1420
006fazerParticipantHi Ray,
I’m a new user of the opengarage 🙂 thanks. All is working well.
I’ve just update firmware to 1.1.0, no reset was done, it reconnect to home wifi. Is it normal ?
best regards
EricFebruary 5, 2019 at 4:55 pm #1423
RayKeymasterIf at the homepage you see firmware version 1.1.0, then you are all set. It’s possible that a previous firmware that was uploaded to your device used the same flash layout so it didn’t trigger a factory reset. In any case, if the homepage says 1.1.0 then the firmware has been correctly updated.
February 16, 2019 at 5:21 pm #1433
jagosParticipantThe new OGAPI1.1.0.pdf still states 1.0.9 API at the top with a date of Sep 10, 2018. The contents seem to be updated. So the in document title is confusing and should be corrected.
February 21, 2019 at 2:09 am #1436
RayKeymasterGood catch, will fix it right away.
February 22, 2019 at 10:21 am #1438
antibalascoderParticipantHi Ray,
Is there a way to grab the temp/Humidity measurement via MQTT or in the blynk once we connect the sensor or it can only be seen on the web app?
February 25, 2019 at 11:08 pm #1444
RayKeymaster@antibalascoder: not yet — for this firmware I just did the minimum needed to get several sensors supported. Once they are verified to work, in the next firmware I can make the readings available on MQTT and Blynk as well.
February 26, 2019 at 12:16 pm #1448
antibalascoderParticipantThanks Ray. I can confirm here that the added sensor support is working. I was able to connect a DHT22 and I’m getting temperature and humidity on the web app.
March 1, 2019 at 3:26 pm #1454
RayKeymasterOK, thanks for letting me know.
April 6, 2019 at 7:46 pm #1539
vrbt150ParticipantI have recently upgraded to 1.1.0 and I’m getting random Blynk notifications telling me my garage door has either opened or closed even tho it hasn’t.
I checked the log and the distance sensor gets a reading of ~50cm, then back to around ~125cm.The same problem I was experiencing back with firmware version 1.0.7.
Anyone else experiencing this?
April 9, 2019 at 12:39 am #1541
ktiedtParticipantJust updated and my OG is stuck with blue flashing led… never came back up 🙁
I am guessing I’ll have to do a manual reload, since OTA is now not an option :/
Edit: And after numerous attempts to reflash over USB I am hitting the exact same problems as this user here. (tried both MacOS and Ubuntu with same results)
April 9, 2019 at 11:35 pm #1547
RayKeymasterBlue flashing LED means it’s reset in AP mode. The release notes specifically said so:
Just follow the WiFi setup process and get it logged onto your WiFi network again.
April 9, 2019 at 11:48 pm #1549
ktiedtParticipantIt seems I should pay more attention to the Release notes instead of the updating docs. My apologies.
April 14, 2019 at 11:54 pm #1561
vrbt150ParticipantI have recently upgraded to 1.1.0 and I’m getting random Blynk notifications telling me my garage door has either opened or closed even tho it hasn’t.
I checked the log and the distance sensor gets a reading of ~50cm, then back to around ~125cm.The same problem I was experiencing back with firmware version 1.0.7.
Anyone else experiencing this?
I must be the only one..
I have downgraded to 1.0.9 and the problem has gone away.
April 28, 2019 at 10:09 pm #1592
OpengarageioParticipantI have had blynk issues since upgrading to 1.1.0.
In the superchart I was monitoring door status (V0), car status (based on V3) and distance (V3).
I have ‘connect missing data points’ setting turned off for each. On my previous firmware version I got a great graph that showed the distance reading as well as the door status (open or closed) and vehicle status (home or out).
Now I have intermittent gaps in the data. The LCD widget is blank. The distance reading on the graph is blank when the garage door is open. And while the door status LED works, the door status graph doesnt.
I tried to load the firmware via arduino via USB cable but I got ‘espcomm_sync failed’ messages. Is that normal? I thought I would be able to upload via USB if the OTA update didnt work. (update: Need to hold down the reset button while plugging in the USB cable to allow firmware upload via arduino)
Ill try downgrading my firmware to see if that resolves some of the issues. It kept all of my settings when moving to version 1.1.0, which makes me think it hasnt cleared the old settings properly. The homepage shows that it does have the new firmware version.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
April 30, 2019 at 5:24 am #1595
OpengarageioParticipantJust a follow up. It seems in version 1.1.0 there has been a change to the way that the data is sent to blynk. This has only affected me because I have a few modifications and additional features that I have added in to blynk.
Instead of ….Blynk.virtualWrite(BLYNK_PIN_DIST, distance);
We have……..if(distance != old_distance) { Blynk.virtualWrite(BLYNK_PIN_DIST, distance); old_distance = distance; }So it looks like we are now only sending updated data to blynk if the value changes. Which means that there is gaps in data being reported to blynk if the value doesnt change. I guess that means that typically less repeat data is being sent to blynk. That would be fine with the default settings, where blynk is configured to just join missing data points. But with my settings, I dont want to connect missing data points.
So I guess I have to either stick with the default blynk settings or modify the program to get opengarage to constantly send data again.
My modifications are to have the counter back in blynk as well as showing the car status.
May 1, 2019 at 5:47 am #1602
OpengarageioParticipantJust a follow up. I think I can just tinker with the blynk settings to get the output Im after. Or failing that I know now what part of the code I need to modify if I do want continuous readings. So there is no issue with 1.1.10, just messed with my custom setup a bit.
I also connected up a DHT22 sensor and confirmed thats working now too. I added another couple of lines of code to send the temp and humidity to blynk and that seems to be working well now too. Very happy to have been able to add the temp/humidity option. Thank you for adding that option for us.
May 2, 2019 at 6:14 am #1605
OpengarageioParticipantSorry to keep replying. But I am still having problems with opengarage 1.1.0 on iOS with blynk and the chart.
The door status graph stops working after a few hours and the IP address also drops out from the LCD display after a few hours. I also graph the car status and that drops out after a few hours too.
I can see in the new code that the data is only being sent when it changes and Im thinking it might have something with blynk not pulling the data after a period of time. Like if the IP address hasnt been received after 6 hours, blynk seems to stop showing it. Anyone else??
May 6, 2019 at 12:21 pm #1612
RayKeymasterSince you said you have the LCD widget, I assume you still have the older blynk project while in the new blynk QR code we have removed the LCD display because it’s not that useful and there is now an audible way to find out the IP address instead of having to rely on the LCD widget. Make sure you have the latest blynk project (QR code is in the user manual: changes in 1.1.0 are indeed to reduce the web traffic to blynk, so that it only needs to send data when they change. In fact there was originally plan to use blynk more deeply for cloud connection (i.e. sending all status data to blynk server), and in the process of doing that, we want to reduce the amount of data to send to blynk server. But shortly before 1.1.0 was released we dropped this plan so it’s not sending all status data to blynk yet, but the changes to reduce web traffic has been preserved.
June 15, 2019 at 8:07 am #1690
trillianParticipantI have updated my FW to 1.1.0. I was getting the issue where the options screen would not load. The update seems to have resolved the issue.
I also added a DHT22 sensor which is working well.
Thanks for the update and new features.June 16, 2019 at 1:17 am #1692
trillianParticipantI started logging the new sensor values from the DHT22, it’s looking quite good.
I have not used the sensor before and noticed that it returns some obviously erroneous errors from time to time. I didn’t add the pull up resistor as I believe the DHT22 does not need it, could that be the cause?Could a filter algorithm be added to remove the odd spike?
I updated the Home Assistant OpenGarrage integration to graph the data. Image attached.
You must be logged in to view attached files.June 17, 2019 at 5:24 am #1696
brendansParticipantHi Trillian, how did you bring the temperature and humidity values through to Home Assistant? Does the default platform have the capability? I have the DHT22 working on the OG web server but want to show these in HA. Cheers
July 18, 2019 at 2:53 pm #1772
tekbar7522ParticipantTrillian, can you let me know how you added the temp and humidity into home assistant?
Brendans, were you able to figure it out?July 18, 2019 at 3:15 pm #1773
tekbar7522ParticipantNevermind, I figured it out. I did it like this just in case anyone else is interested. Just change the IP address of your opengarage.
sensor: - platform: rest resource: name: attic temp value_template: '{{ value_json.temp }}' unit_of_measurement: '°C' - platform: rest resource: name: attic humidity value_template: '{{ value_json.humid }}' unit_of_measurement: '%'
August 5, 2019 at 4:20 am #1840
brendansParticipantThanks tekbar7522. I never got this sorted. Can confirm using your code works for me too, thanks!
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OpenGarage › Forums › Comments, Suggestions, Requests › OG Firmware 1.1.0 Released