OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Mobile and Web App Mobile App Configuation Sanity Check Needed

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    I’m a fairly technical IT person (but not a dev) but I’ve spent 3 hours on these questions with conclusion. Need help.

    OpenGarage Android App.

    1. It works fine on my local wifi if I add a Controller for the OG local IP. However, it does not work if mobile device is not on local wifi. Blynk token matches the one that is shown in the Blynk mobile app.
    Question: In OpenGarage mobile app, is 1 Controller configuration sufficient for controlling the door both locally on the wifi network and when remote? Or do you need two Controller configs, one for internal and one for external access? If the answer is just 1 config, then the Blynk Token is the thing that makes the remote control possible, right?
    Are any of you able to actually edit the Controller settings in the OpenGarage mobile app? If I’m in the Manage Controller screen and click Edit, the 3 bars on the right appear but nothing happens when I click it. Is this what others experience? Or is that supposed to open a actual config page?
    Do you choose the Sync with What is that supposed to accomplish because as far as I can tell, my account has no data on my OG device so what is the point?

    Blynk App Questions:
    What device type do you choose for the OG? My Blynk app just lists it as Generic Board. Does it even matter? This is what it chose after I scanned the QR code for OG.
    My blynk app shows no history values, an incorrect distance value and generally looks useless. Clicking Door Button does nothing. Do you Blynk Apps control the OG and show real useful data?

    Thanks for any answers!



    Let me first answer your second set of questions:

    Blynk App Questions:
    What device type do you choose for the OG? My Blynk app just lists it as Generic Board. Does it even matter? This is what it chose after I scanned the QR code for OG.

    ===> It doesn’t matter. Generic Board is fine.

    My blynk app shows no history values, an incorrect distance value and generally looks useless. Clicking Door Button does nothing. Do you Blynk Apps control the OG and show real useful data?

    ===> Are you sure the Blynk project is in ‘running’ state? Do you see a green triangle button at the top-right? If so, that means you have not run the project yet. By default, right after scan, the project is in ‘stopped’ state.



    Ok, so I fixed the Blynk App, OG just needed a reboot after setting the Auth Code.

    Back to my OpenGarage App Questions.
    In OpenGarage mobile app, is 1 Controller configuration sufficient for controlling the door both locally on the wifi network and when remote? Or do you need two Controller configs, one for internal and one for external access? If the answer is just 1 config, do you just use the Blynk app when remote?
    Are any of you able to actually edit the Controller settings in the OpenGarage mobile app? If I’m in the Manage Controller screen and click Edit, the 3 bars on the right appear but nothing happens when I click it. Is this what others experience? Or is that supposed to open a actual config page?
    Do you choose the Sync with What is that supposed to accomplish because as far as I can tell, my account has no data on my OG device so what is the point?

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OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Mobile and Web App Mobile App Configuation Sanity Check Needed