OpenGarage Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests DateTime Incorrect

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #475


    Where do I update the date/time for opengarage? I have one controller working and one controller that will not work. I had them both working. I reset it and set it up again but it still does not work. I noticed the date/time is not correct on the one that is not working and maybe that is the issue.

    I upgraded them both to the newest firmware, 1.0.6, but that did not help. I noticed the web refresh is very slow to get data on the one that is not working but fast on the one that is working.

    Thank you,

    Ryan Johnson



    The date time is directly obtained from NTP server. It gets UTC time, and the actual time displayed on the web interface depends on your web browser — the web browser uses the UTC time from OpenGarage combined with the local time zone to display local time. The only thing I can think of is if one of your OG is not getting response from NTP server. But I don’t know how that’s possible — it’s connected to your WiFi router, it looks like you are able to access it (albeit it’s slow), so I can’t think of any obvious reason why it won’t receive response from NTP server. Perhaps your router is blocking the packets for some reason?



    Thanks for the response Ray! It might have been a router issue as you pointed out. The day after I posted this I was working from home and in the afternoon my router lost internet connection. A couple minutes later it came back up. That evening the one OpenGarage controller was working again. I just tested it to be sure and it is working again. Thanks again for looking at my post. 🙂

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OpenGarage Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests DateTime Incorrect