OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Firmware BUG: if (Sound_Alarm_Disabled) Blynk_Working == false


  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Ray.
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    I have v1.08. If I set the Sound Alarm to Disabled, then the button in Blynk won’t work. The button on the web site still works though.

    Is there a good place to log this bug?







    First of all, I highly recommend you to keep the Sound Alarm (at least 5 seconds) — technically there should be a mandatory 15-second sound alarm for all automated garage door openers — when someone controls the door remotely, it’s potentially dangerous (or at least surprising to the person at the garage) to observe the door suddenly closing itself without any audible warning.

    Second, I can’t reproduce the issue you reported — I disabled alarm and use Blynk app and it works just fine. Note that the Blynk button is set to ‘Push’ mode, which means you have to press it for at least half a second before releasing it. If you click it too quickly the controller won’t respond to it. Press it down and then release it should work.



    Yeah, I can’t reproduce it anymore either.

    I hear what you’re saying and I am going to leave it with the audible warning. With that said, one could argue that a standard remote control for a garage door also doesn’t give any audible warning (ex. I’m in the garage when my wife pulls up in her car). I’m not sure how this is any different.



    Generally opening the door is ok but the issue is when the door closes, either automatically, or because someone remotely triggers it to close. The audible alarm is for compliance reasons (I think it’s UL-325)

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OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Firmware BUG: if (Sound_Alarm_Disabled) Blynk_Working == false