OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Firmware Announcing OpenGarage Firmware 1.0.6

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    OpenGarage firmware 1.0.6 has been released in OpenGarage Github. Changes in this firmware include:

    – Provided two ways to reset WiFI SSID and password without factory reset. The first way is through the web interface — there is now a Reset to AP mode button. The second way is through the on-board push-button — pressing the button for more than 5 seconds (but less than 10 seconds) will trigger it to reset to AP mode. Either way, the device will reboot into AP mode, and you can repeat the WiFi setup step to get it log on to a new WiFi router. This preserves the existing settings.

    – Due to the change above, Factory Reset procedure has been changed to: press and hold the push-button for more than 10 seconds, then release the button. This will trigger a factory reset, and all settings will be restored to factory default.

    – Support for static IP. This is provided in the ‘Options’, and it allows setting a fixed IP on the device. Note that you must also provide the correct gateway IP (i.e. your router’s IP) and subnet mask.

    Please note that you don’t necessarily have to use this feature to set a static IP. Most routers support DHCP reservation, which is the recommended way to set a static IP for your devices. DHCP reservation also generally allows you to set a static IP outside of your DHCP IP range.

    – Re-arranged the ‘Options’ page in the web interface, by grouping options into three categories: Basic, Cloud, and Advanced.

    How to Update Firmware:

    The easiest way to update firmware is to download the firmware from Github (specifically, the file named og_1.0.6.bin):

    Then go to your OpenGarage device’s homepage, at the bottom of the page you should see an ‘Update’ button. Click the button, select the firmware you just downloaded, type in device key (the default device key is opendoor if you have never changed it). Wait for the upload to complete. If the upload gets stuck for more than a few minutes, refresh the page and try again.

    (In the unlikely event that the upload corrupts the device causing it to fail to boot correctly, you can use a microUSB cable to manually upload firmware. Instructions are provided on the Github page.)


    Firmware 1.0.6 user manual and API document can all be found on Github:

    p.s. I am aware of the request to integrate MQTT to OG firmware. I am working on it and hopefully will get it done soon. Thanks.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Ray.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Ray.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Ray.


    Dear Ray,

    Is it possible to upload the newest FW directly to a new, empty Wroom2?
    If it is, how? (I can upload xxxx.bin files with esptool, but if i upload the 1.03 fw, the Wroom2 always restarts, i don’t know, why)

    Thanks your support,




    I had this issue also – Do you not have the distance sensor attached? If not there are some sensing loops the code gets stuck in and this causes a WDT reset. This updated function will fix it

    ulong OpenGarage::read_distance_once() {
    digitalWrite(PIN_TRIG, LOW);
    digitalWrite(PIN_TRIG, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(PIN_TRIG, LOW);
    // wait till echo pin’s rising edge
    unsigned long quit_time=micros()+32767L;
    while((digitalRead(PIN_ECHO)==LOW)&& (micros()<quit_time));
    //Do nothing
    unsigned long start_time = micros();
    //wait till echo pin’s falling edge
    while((digitalRead(PIN_ECHO)==HIGH) && (micros()<quit_time));
    ulong lapse = micros() – start_time;
    if (lapse>32767L) lapse = 32767L;
    return lapse;



    The firmware assumes there is a distance sensor (HC-SR04 or compatible) connected to the designated pins. Without the sensor, it will cause a watchdog timeout and reboot.



    Thanks! Yes, the missing sensor was the problem.



    The code posted above fixes this issue.
    If your interested in a version with this incorporated you can find my fork here

    It also adds MQTT and integrated automation to close the door at a certain time (my normal use case when I leave it at night)
    Lots of other misc changes. I tried to mimic the coding style and conventions if any of it wants to be incorporated back in.



    Hmmm, now, after i set the sSID and PW it works STA mode with AP for few seconds, after that “saving config file…
    failed” is appear on the serial monitor, and the ESP restarts in AP mode. I use it with a breadboard, just the resistors, and the distance sensor are connected.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by .


    I tried to update my firmware from 1.04 to 1.06. Using the webpage it consistently gives me the result ‘Update Failed’. This happens after if I hit the reboot button or unplug the unit. I haven’t tried plugging the unit directly into USB yet since it’s a hassle to load the driver if it’s anything like OpenSprinkler. Should I try anything else before attempting to manually update via USB?



    If you use Windows or Linux chances are that you don’t need to install driver (unless if you use Windows XP). Driver is generally only needed for Mac OSX.

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OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Firmware Announcing OpenGarage Firmware 1.0.6