OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Firmware Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc Reply To: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc



I was thinking about using the magnetic sensor for closed/open state and the ultrasonic one for movement detection, as I dont have a car in my garage, but 2 motorcycles and would have to move the ultrasonic sensor to a different location. But now thinking about this, I will probably just buy the xiaomi sensor and use the ultrasonic one on my door and the magnetic one on roller doors. Thanks

Not 100% sure I understand what you are proposing (not familiar with Xiamoi device) but just to be clear, with Opengarage (or my extended firmware) you can only monitor one door, its an either ultrasonic or magnetic. You seemed to be indicating monitoring two doors so just wanted to make sure you understood.