OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Mobile and Web App Does the custom Blynk server at support multiple devices? Reply To: Does the custom Blynk server at support multiple devices?



I finally figured it out. I kept trying to use the “OpenThings Blynk Token” on the “My OpenThings Blynk Devices” page at to put into the Integration tab on the local web page. I finally realized I needed to go into the Blynk project and get the key there (click the square icon in the upper right to stop running the project, click on the “nut/bolt” icon and click “Email all” to email the key to myself, and then put that key/token into the Integration tab on the local web page).

I wasn’t seeing where the steps were spelled out for this. If they don’t exist, I wouldn’t mind typing something up that could be posted to help others find the solution. Let me know if that would be helpful (or if it’s already there and I just didn’t find it).

Thank you