OpenGarage Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Safety Sensor Integration

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    Have been a big fan of Open Sprinkler, and am actually ordering a new version for the home I recently moved to, when I saw Open Garage.

    I have a garage door that has a very old legacy garage door opener (maybe 1980’s) which works fine, but it cannot integrate with a safety sensor. It did have an analog receiver (with the DIP switches) added to it at some point, though I don’t have the actual remote.

    I’m currently in a remodel, and I’m pretty sure the county is going to require me to replace the garage door opener, due to lack of safety beam; I’d rather not replace it if I can find an alternate solution.

    Does this unit have any capability to integrate a safety beam?




    While it can integrate a safety sensor, I am not sure how to use that information to trigger garage door action. Specifically, it’s not easy to tell whether the door is in the process of ‘closing’ — I guess one thing you can do is to keep track of the time stamp when the door changes from ‘open’ to ‘close’ state, and give an estimate of how many seconds it takes for the door to fully close. During that time period, if the safety sensor is triggered, stop the door from closing. This will be a fair amount of work, including adding sensor wires to the circuit board, modifying the firmware etc.

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OpenGarage Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Safety Sensor Integration