OpenGarage Forums OpenGarage Firmware Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc Reply To: Fork with MQTT, Magnetic Sensor support ,Close if left open at night – misc



Ok – finally had a chance to look at this – I took a clean Win10 laptop and went through all the steps successfully. Here is what I did

*Installed Arduino 1.6.13
*Once installed installed 2.3.0 of the arduino esp8266 core via board manager
*Installed the latest Blynk software via Manage Libraries
*Manually added the pubsubclient my version also requires ( download and then extract the pubsubclient-master folder to your libaries folder (by default in the my documents/Arduino/Libraries) rename this folder after copy to pubsubclient
*Downloaded my fork via the download option in github and then extracted the opengarage folder to the same libraries folder
* Copied the modifications header file from the zip to the folder in C:\users\YourID\Appdata\Local Settings\Arduino\…… (per the instructions)

So at this point if you open your libraries folder you should see

Then go into Opengarage\Examples – open the ino file
In arduino select Generic ESP8266 – 4/1 Spiffs


No issues on my system

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by lawrence_jeff.