OpenGarage Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests MQTT and OG Reply To: MQTT and OG



Ben, i think you just nailed it. I put your mqtt code on my main opengarage that is setup in my garage last month, but it wasn’t working. I am now working with another open garage on my test bench, and i just realized that now that mqtt is working, i bet that both open garage units are sending mqtt messages to the same topic. I will test this when i get home. Thanks for your help, its always the simple things that cause these issues lol. I am learning a great deal as I go thought.

That is exactly what is happening, they are both publishing to the same topic! I was able to log in remotely and take a look. I will report back once i change the topic names, i’m certain things will work properly though. Thanks again Ben!

  • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Gompka.
  • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Gompka.
  • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Gompka.