OpenGarage Forums Hardware Questions Distance readings only periodically correct Reply To: Distance readings only periodically correct



I know this is an old post, but it fits my issue as well. My sensor started reading 5 cm overnight. I installed it last night and this morning the sensors are reading 5 cm, and nothing I do fixes the issue. What else can I try? Id like to use the built-in distance sensors instead of external switches, but will run a wire if needed.

More testing.
Removing the clear cover solves the issue. I can set the cover over and align the hold or the sensors, but not seat the cover on its tabs and I have no issues. Seems like this only happens when it’s up to operating temp in the garage.

Photo of the raised lid:

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Photo of fully seated lid:

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  • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by mshale.
  • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by mshale. Reason: Added photos and more info