OpenGarage Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Request: SmartThings Integration Reply To: Request: SmartThings Integration



After you install the device handler in the web IDE under device handlers you need to create a new device from the devices section.

There is a button to create a new device. Choose the device handler you just installed. It should be at the bottom of the list under device types.

After that is done you can switch to the app to configure it.

From the app go to the device and then go to the settings cogwheel and you should find the stuff you need to fill in.

You don’t need to change any code in the device handler. You do need to flash my firmware if you want real-time updates from the physical garage button. In the OG device’s web config I added a field for SmartThings hub IP.

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by codahq.